Coaching Packages
“The cave you fear to enter holds the treasure you seek. ”
— Joseph Campbell
12-Week Addiction Recovery Coaching
Specializing in Opiate Abuse Disorder
The 12-Week Recovery Coaching program is geared towards recovering addicts who have already been through Detox Treatment. The curriculum promotes accountability in all things recovery related. This includes, but is not limited to:
Self-Help Navigation
Anti-Relapse Recovery Plan
Managing Triggers
Routine Building
Vocational Coaching
Mindfulness Training
Nutritional Guidance
Weekly Check-ins
Stress Management
Program Breakdown:
2 Preparation Sessions
1 Medicine Journey (Psilocybin or DMT)
1 Integration Session
3 weeks of Recovery Coaching
6 weeks of Microdose Coaching with emphasis on Addiction Recovery
12-Week Conscious Creation Coaching
Are you ready to level up in 2024?
The 12-Week Conscious Creation Coaching program emphasizes strategies to uncover and clarify your purpose, accelerate implementation to inhabit your wildest dreams, and systems to continue with following through once the program ends.
Program Breakdown:
2 Preparation Sessions
1 Medicine Journey (Psilocybin or DMT)
3 Conscious Creation Sessions
6 weeks of Microdose Coaching with emphasis on Conscious Creation
Breathwork + Guided Journey
1 one-hour Prep Session
1 90-minute Somatic Breathwork Prep Session
1 Full-Day Guided Journey
1 one-hour Integration Session
1 90-minute Plant Medicine Breathwork Integration Session